Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog! First of all, let me tell you all that drinking 12 cups of water is not an easy task to do. I will admit some days I was not able to drink the full daily amount of water I needed. Since my research from last week on how much water I should be drinking, I realized that 8 cups of water is not enough for me. This is why I will be drinking 12 cups of water instead of the 8 cups I was originally going to drink. Let's just say, this is a lot of liquid to drink in a day, and it definitely made me go to the bathroom more often daily, especially in the morning. It was the first thing I would have to do as soon as I stepped out of bed. I would even go right before getting ready for bed as part of my nightly routine and I'd still go without fail every morning. I did notice that my pee was a lot clearer in color from before I started this challenge(sorry for the personal information), which means that I was more hydrated. I also noticed that I drank ...