Hello fellow readers!
You may have heard that drinking 8 cups of water is
important for your health, but do you know why? Is 8 cups really the amount
everyone should be drinking? Before finding out how drinking enough water
every day affects my body, I wanted to find out how much water my body needs
every day and what tips I can do to do so. So go ahead, grab a glass of water, and
let's get started!
First I researched how much water I should be drinking in a
day. I learned that there are different answers to this question for everyone.
Daily water consumption varies from your exercise, the environment, your overall
health, and for women if they are pregnant or breastfeeding. I found it
challenging to know the correct answer to the question: what is the recommended
daily water intake?
Water Intake Recommendations Infographic. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2024
There are multiple different answers on different websites
that I've searched. Some would say six to eight glasses of water or fluid every
day. Then some say about 11.5 cups of fluids a day for women and 15.5 cups of
fluids a day for men. I think the difference is that some people count only the water intake and others include all fluids, which includes any type of beverage you consume.
In my research, I wanted to see if there were any tips and tricks to
motivate myself to drink more water during the day, and stumbled on this cute
video. I invite you to take a look and see what you can do! After watching this video I'm totally grabbing a new pretty water bottle I can carry and show off everywhere, might motivate me to intake more water daily! I think I will also try to keep a water glass or water bottle in each room I use the most at home so it's always on hand. I'll have no excuse!
Channel Name. (Upload Year, Month Day). How can I drink more water if I hate water? - 5 easy ways + BONUS tips [Video]. YouTube
I also learned that your water intake can have an impact on your energy level
and your brain function. I think that makes a lot of sense. There's so many
different health factors related to drinking water. It does so many things
like, keeping our body temperature adjusted, helping with digestion, boosting skin
health and helping with weight loss. There’s also the fact that not drinking
enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause repeated headaches.
found this really interesting way that determines how much water you should
drink according to your body weight. For myself I should be drinking about 102 oz of water per day so that equivalates to 12 cups! I'm up for a challenge with all this water I will be consuming!
Water Intake Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2024, from Good
This next one's how to determine how much water to drink with
physical activity included.
Water Intake Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2024, from Good
Now that I have a better idea of how much water I should be
drinking daily, and how to motivate myself to do so, the challenge will be to
find out how this affects me physically. Will I go to the bathroom more often? Will I feel more energetic? Will I have better-looking skin? we shall find out! Let's see if I can keep up with my daily water intake this week and how I will feel at the end of week 1!
Until next time!
Image taken from Snapchat January 19th, 2023
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